Welcome Ember Academy Families!

Enrollment Forms are here! Submission of the form and non-refundable enrollment fee guarantees your child's spot at Ember Academy Ocala for this upcoming year! Please fill out the form below and use the QR code at the bottom of this page for the enrollment fee.

If you have multiple children enrolling, please fill out a form for each child and submit an enrollment fee for each child. Prior to the start of the year, traditional/ year-round students will need to submit a paper copy of health records. 

If you prefer to print the enrollment form and bring cash or check to Ember Academy Ocala, you may do so any Friday in June between 9:00am-5:00pm. Please note, we may still be undergoing some renovations in June. Please email emberacademyocala@gmail.com to request a printable copy of the Enrollment Form.

Stay tuned for updates on our process with the State for scholarship funding, Open house, and Summer Introduction Camp!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via email, emberacademyocala@gmail.com or phone (352) 598-8540

Use the following QR Code to pay the enrollment fee.